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Love Your Legs With This Swim Workout!

Instead of sticking to your usual running routine this week, challenge your legs with a swim. 
Similar to running, swimming is an optimal cardio workout and an impact-friendly way to cross-train. A total-body workout, this intermediate swim includes sets geared specifically at your legs. Substitute it for one of your weekly runs, or use it to train for your next triathlon. It's a tough one, but your legs will thank you!
Check out the workout after the break.
Warmup: 400 yards
100 yards freestyle — easy
2 x 50 yards (1 lap butterfly, 1 lap backstroke) — moderate (rest: 30 seconds)*
100 yards freestyle — easy
2 x 50 yards (1 lap breaststroke, 1 lap freestyle) — moderate (rest: 30 seconds)
Intervals: 700 yards
100 yards IM (all four strokes**) — strong
4 x 25 yards kick*** freestyle — sprint (rest: 30 seconds)
50 yards freestyle — easy
100 yards kick freestyle — sprint
Rest 60, repeat the set
Recovery: 100 yards
100 yards backstroke — easy (rest: 10)
Endurance: 600 yards
3 x 200 yards pull**** freestyle — medium (rest: 60)
Speed: 200 yards
4 x 50 yards kick freestyle — strong (rest: 30 seconds)
Warmdown: 200 yards
4 x 50 yards — one lap freestyle, one lap backstroke (rest: as needed)
Total: 2,200 yards.
*Rest the listed amount between reps/laps
**Individual Medley (IM): All four strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle
***Kick: Use a kickboard and use just your legs to power yourself across the pool
****Pull: Hold a buoy with your legs and use only your arms to swim
Starting to get the swim of things? Pair the above workout with this stroke and interval swim a few times a week this Summer!


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